Importance of Building Good Carrier Relations


Relationships between brokers and intermodal trucking services in Texas have a history of being contentious. Carriers believe broker margins are considerably greater than they are, and brokers are striving to fill a load as quickly as possible while making a profit.

It is natural for brokers to prioritize connections with shippers because they are the ones who pay the bills.

Regardless of the circumstances, brokers have a job to do, and that work can only be done by drayage trucking services in Texas. So, what are some methods for a broker to build better relationships with owner-operators and truck drivers that will help them grow, develop, and retain their business?

  • Create Trust

    People flock toward trusted brands and enterprises. Carriers are all the same, therefore establish a reputation as a trustworthy broker.

  • Stand Out

    Take an interest in the person you’re speaking with and make an effort to understand them. It doesn’t have to be personal; instead, inquire about their trucking company, favorite routes, and so on.

  • Show Respect

    You’re all under time constraints, and a carrier’s time is just as valuable as yours. Be courteous, treat drivers as professionals, respect their time limits, and do everything you can to help them deliver your cargo to its destination. Respond to phone calls and emails as soon as possible. Respect will help bridge the trust gap significantly.

  • Keep Future Business Opportunities in Mind

    If you took the time to learn about the carrier and are familiar with the capabilities of their trucks, contact them when you have a load that matches their preferred lanes and capabilities.

Need expert freight logistics that you can trust? LaEE LLC is the one to call.

Dial our port trucking in Houston, Texas, at 844-443-0439.

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